~ whispers of the heart ~

Thank you for joining us on this 21 day journey to the heart.
I am so excited to be sharing this container with you, welcoming in spring and getting ready to plant new seeds in this new season.

Getting ready for our time together

Just like we do before embarking on any journey, we will be getting all our tools ready before starting this 21-day container on March. 21sr. You can start getting ready by:

  •  Have your Ceremonial grade Cacao with you before we start our time together.
    If you are in the US or EU. I suggest Cacao Laboratory’s cacao. The code “caroarevalo” gets you a little discount on their shop. They have an online EU shop and one in the US as well.

  • All our Thursday meet-ups we will start with our cups of cacao. Make sure to have yours ready before 7pm EST.
    You can join us from your altar or a space that is inviting and comfortable for you. These meetings will last approx. 2 hours. If this is your first time working with ceremonial cacao, you can follow my current favorite recipe here.

  • New to cacao? There’s a page dedicated to preparing your cacao here.

  • On Sundays we will be meditating, journaling and sharing. These meetings will last approx. 1hr-1.30hr.  Find a spot where you won’t be bothered.

  • Bring your journal with you for all our calls!

Calendar, Links, Recordings and more

Here you will find all the zoom links for our live calls and information on what to bring.

Daily mindfulness meditation videos to follow along your own schedule.

If you can’t make one of our live calls, or want to revisit a call, here you will find all the links to them.

First time making ceremonial cacao? Watch this video with my favorite way of making it.

I would love to get to know you!

What brought you to this practice and what are you looking forward from our time together?