Resources from what I’ve learned after 5 years of trying to have a more sustainable existence

Permacrafter’s Free Resource Library

Access Permacrafter’s Free Resource Library! Great educational material on: where to start, videos, classes, and PDFs on all things sustainability.

Access code: CARO

Using what I already have

I always start by using and reusing what I already have, that is the most sustainable way of approaching everyday life, instead of making unnecessary swaps.


Learning has been a key part on this journey for me. Where is this product coming from? What is it made out of? How are the employees of this company treated/paid? Where is this product going once I’m done using it? Are there any toxic chemicals on it? So many questions, both books and the internet have the answers.

Looking at my trash

This has been so important for me to understand were I can start reducing my waste and having less footprint on the planet.

Here are some of the people who inspire and educate me on this journey! I will keep updating this list often.

Quechua-Chanka Activist from Peru. In defense of womens and ndigenous rights. Founder of Chirapaq and coorcinator of ECMIA.

Eco Rapper, Activist, Comedy, and Education!

Christelle and Cristina run the online Eco-Citizen school where they teach life skills to care for the Earth.

Actress, Activist, Story-Teller and Education.

Here is a list of my favorite swaps. As mentioned on the video, I encourage you to look at what brands are local to you and what works best for you :)