diving deeper into the themes

of our container

Connecting with Cacao

Cacao is revered across Mesoamerica as an ally for celebration and heart connection. This medicine has now left the jungles to invite us, worldwide, to connect to our heart medicine and remember our connection to nature.

While sitting with your cup of cacao some invitations to connect are:
✽ sit down in meditation with your cup of cacao

✽ sharing a spoken gratitude-giving prayer, what are you thankful for today?

✽ sitting with cacao and journaling in the form of downstream: writing down anything and everything without thinking.

✽ bringing your cacao on a nature hike

✽ sharing a cup of cacao with a loved one before diving into an intimate conversation.

✽ creativity and cacao love each other! painting, playing an instrument, dancing, etc. get creative and let the spirit of cacao be your muse.

“Sit Around The Fire”

a 12 minute visual meditation by Ram Dass, Jon Hopkins and East Forest


“The Art of Meditation”
by Formless, Sigur Ros, Ram Dass, Mooji and more

A collaborative album I love to listen to while doing everyday chores: from cleaning my home to driving. This album is a beautiful invitation to tap into mindfulness.



Learn from the Tz’utujil elders: keepers of the fire and the medicine of cacao

Nana Marina Cruz: elder form the Tz’utujil community offers several ways to connect with her and her cosmovision online.

You can find out more here: https://linktr.ee/cacaoixmucane

“The Wisdom of No Escape: and the path of Loving-Kindness” by Pema Chödrön

Pema’s book focusing on how to welcome life as it is right now, through the eyes of mindulness meditation.


Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants

-Robin Wall Kimmerer

A beautiful book to dive deeper into our 1:1 relationship to nature


“The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the origins of knowledge”

-Jeremy Narby

An adventure in the Amazon where science and ancient knowledge meet. A beautiful book about human relationships with plants, science and spirituality.
